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奥巴马当选最时尚型男 皮特屈居亚军

2009/6/19 21:41 作者:童姥 点击:1614 评论:2 条 【
Move aside Brad Pitt. US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male style icons to be named the world's most stylish man in a poll.

The survey of 3,000 men put the 47-year-old president at the top of the style list after impressing people all over the world with his suits and dress sense.Actor Brad Pitt came second, praised for his ability to look stylish in a suit or in jeans.
Third in the poll, conducted by researcher OnePoll.com, was British footballer David Beckham, whose trendy style has seen him become one of the most photographed men in the world and the face -- and body -- for Giorgio Armani's underwear campaign.

本次调查的发起者、英国高档衬衫品牌托马斯•品克的首席执行官乔纳森•海伯伦说:“ 奥巴马时尚品味不凡,这无疑使他更受欢迎。”“全球首脑和政界名流的穿衣品位都没什么名气,所以奥巴马让人耳目一新,他似乎真的关注自己的外表。”
"Barack Obama has a great sense of style, which no doubt adds to his popularity," said Jonathan Heilbron, CEO of luxury British shirt brand Thomas Pink which commissioned the poll."World leaders and politicians are not known for their dress sense, so it's refreshing to have Obama who seems to genuinely care about his appearance."点击查看大图



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  • 作者:HOPE (2009/6/19 21:55, 评分: 1楼 )

  • 作者:童姥 (2009/6/19 22:10, 评分: 2楼 )

    是啊,其全名是Barack Hussein Obama Jr巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马
    《希望无畏:开垦美国梦的思考》(The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream)[2006];
    《父亲留下来的梦想:种族与传统的故事》(Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance)[1995]
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